Fiber for health & wellness

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S., with 1 in every 3 adults having some form of the disease. While heart disease can be hereditary, it can also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle including poor diet, not getting enough exercise, being overweight and smoking. Many times, heart disease can be prevented however, with important lifestyle adjustments starting with a healthy diet.

A diet low in saturated and trans fat, filled with fiber rich foods like whole grains, vegetables and legumes and supplemented with a fiber supplement like Konsyl will help to lower or maintain cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy. The National Fiber Council states that getting just 7 grams of soluble fiber per day from psyllium may reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, is working with Konsyl psyllium fiber, the top doctor recommended all-natural psyllium fiber supplement, to help educate people on fiber’s heart healthy benefits.

According to Keri, an all-natural fiber supplement like Konsyl Original Formula is ideal for people who need to add more soluble fiber to their diet to lower cholesterol without adding unwanted calories. In addition to reducing cholesterol levels, soluble fiber also slows digestion and help to keep you feeling full for longer, which can help curb cravings and manage weight.

Keri appeared on Dr. Steve on PIX11 on Sunday, November 18 to discuss fiber’s health benefits.

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